Student Supports
Applicants with Additional Learner Needs
The College welcomes applications from students with additional needs. It is College policy to attempt to provide appropriate support and help for students with a physical disability or specific learning needs within the limits of available resources.
Applicants with additional needs should tick the relevant box on the application form, this is important, as by ticking the box, our learner support service will know to engage with you to establish your needs in advance of the start of the course. If the college is not in a position to meet an applicant’s additional needs, guidance is given to help find a similar course in a college with the required resources.
Equal Opportunities
Inchicore College is committed to equal opportunities and anti-discrimination in its policies and procedures.
Garda Vetting
Garda Vetting will operate for students on any course dealing with children or vulnerable adults.
Admissions Policy
Admission to a particular course is subject to an applicant meeting the minimum entry requirements, the findings from the interview, and places being available on the course. Applicants who are not offered a place have the right to appeal the decision to the college Board of Management. A copy of the full admissions policy is available from the college.
Course Coordinators
Each Further Education course has a Course Coordinator. As well as dealing with the overall administration of the day to day running of the programme, the Coordinator is available to discuss progress on the course and to advise on personal and academic matters.
Guidance Counselling Service
The College offers students a comprehensive Guidance Counselling Service. This service provides help in the areas of career guidance, personal and educational support. The service encourages students to make informed decisions about career choice and planning and the successful completion of their course.
Learning Support
The college provides a learning support service for learners with specific learning needs such as dyslexia and dyspraxia.
Student Services
- Course Coordinators
- Guidance Counselling Service
- Learning Support Service
- Student IT Support
- VTOS Coordinator
- SUSI Grant Coordinator
- BTEI Coordinator
- Sports and Cultural Events Programme
- Student Council
- Erasmus+ Programme Coordinators
- Graduation Ceremony