Welcome to Night School at Inchicore College of Further Education.

 We are open for applications for our Spring term of classes!

***Previous students*** – please book via the website and not through your old student account. The old account has been archived to ensure that only current course choices appear. Please complete a new application form (your previously used email address can be used) and then proceed to payment.

Spring term commences on Monday the 6th and Tuesday the 7th of January for most courses – check each page for start dates as some may differ. We are looking forward to welcoming you to an enjoyable term of classes.

Keep an eye on our social media for up-to-the-minute news. We are on Instagram and Facebook. Click the icon at the top of this page to go to the social media site of your choice and do give us a follow – we would appreciate it.

If you have a class that you think would benefit our community and you are willing and able to share your knowledge, we would love to hear from you! We believe that by providing meaningful learning opportunities we can hope to transform lives, and to strengthen our community.

Looking forward to the upcoming term,



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